The Redd

Videos by Citizen-Scientist Roger Castillo

Join Roger Castillo, San Jose’s own Citizen Scientist, as he explores our local watersheds and wildlife habitats. These videos chronicle the Guadalupe and Coyote watersheds from 1992 and the continuing struggle to preserve wildlife habitats that exist in the surrounding urban environment.

A Mammoth Discovery!

salmoncazadorRoger Castillo and his dog Jenna were at the Children’s Discovery Museum to open the new exhibit “A Mammoth Discovery!”. A home for the Mammoth he discovered while exploring the Guadalupe River in San Jose, California.

Click Here to learn more about Lupe!

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Children's Discovery Museum
Children’s Discovery Museum

Be sure to visit the Children’s Discovery Museum to see Lupe and explore many other fun hands on exhibits.

Our current Web Video!

The Governments Responsibility of Public Trust to the Environment

Source: “Moyers and Company”

The very agencies created to protect our environment have been hijacked by the polluting industries they were meant to regulate. It may just turn out that the judicial system, our children and their children will save us from ourselves, Mary Christina Wood, a legal scholar, tells Bill Moyers.
Stay tuned in for more from SSRG!
We will be posting new videos regularly. Sign up to our blog posting and we will notify you when they are posted. Keep up to date on what’s happening in the Guadalupe River, Coyote Creek and our environment.

Introducing MEL

We are pleased to announce our newest project, MEL the Mobile Environmental Lab.

We soon will be able to bring this Mobile Lab to local schools and events promoting awareness of and responsibility to the local watersheds it’s wildlife and their habitats. We are currently in development with this project and hope to have our Maiden Run in Fall of 2016. Visit MEL at

Where did they come from?

salmon pictureWe believe our ‘Silichip’ Chinook has been migrating the Guadalupe River for years. We have spoken to residents who have seen salmon in the rivers as far back as 1940. We are looking for people to help us document the history of the river, salmon, trout and its wildlife. If you have any information, stories, or pictures please contact us. We will put them on the website for others to learn from. To learn more visit our Research page.

Our Early History

These videos are from 1992 – 1996 and show a history of the Salmon and efforts to cleanup and restore the river by citizens, with the help of public and private groups. Eventually the blockage was removed and a fish friendly series of waterfalls were constructed to help migration. It shows how we can all get together to improve our local wildlife habitats. It just takes your involvement.So what are you waiting for? Become a member to show that you care. Membership subscription is free. Then give us your ideas, Volunteer your services, Sponsor a page or Host a Clean Up. There is a lot you can do to help.

Watch more videos in The Stream

The Hillsdale Barrier
Pollution and Goodwill?
The Cleanup
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